About the Guide

The landscape is what we, the inhabitants of Baile Govora, love perhaps the most. The park, the forest, the relief, and the exquisite buildings all make up this landscape. We are proud when we see old photographs, views or books written about our town, and we note with nostalgia how beauty and nature have gone together for more than a century, contributing to the well-being of Govora’s inhabitants and visitors. We remember the stories of our parents and grandparents and the image of a vibrant, quaint little town full of tourists. 

Many of us want to recapture that image because we love living here. The nature, the fresh air and the old buildings make us feel we belong here. Let’s imagine these landmark buildings, whether small or large, disappear – as some have already begun to do. With them the history of the town and the character we have become accustomed to from family or visitor stories also disappears. The work we undertake is a plea to preserve and care for, even if it is often a challenge, the details of the facades, the beautiful colours of the old carpentry, the quaint houses surrounded by nature. It’s a plea not to spoil the charm of the place with easy but harmful solutions. 

The guide helps those who want to make interventions on buildings and provides a general framework of options and steps to follow (repairs, extensions, new construction). It also offers building owners a set of common rules to preserve the overall beauty of the city. 

The large number of buildings in need of repair, rehabilitation or restoration, as well as the high development potential of the resort, make it necessary to have a clear set of rules for intervention on buildings and public space. The overall image of the town is beginning to be distorted by new buildings, extensions and restorations which, through the materials used, the wrong colours and shapes, conflict with the specific character of the area and the traditional relationship with the natural landscape. 

Based on a careful and detailed analysis of the characteristics of the buildings typical of the area, the ensemble and the public space, the present guide proposes a set of recommendations/regulations that will ensure both the harmonious integration of new buildings, renovations and extensions and the optimal conditions for the development of the city.

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Cultural project co-financed in 2020 by the Administration of the National Cultural Fund (AFCN). The project does not necessarily represent the position of the AFCN. The AFCN is neither responsible for the project content nor for the way in which the project results may be used. These are entirely the responsibility of the grant beneficiary.
